
The world of precision positioning is based on perfection. Engineering and design focus on details and balance, flawless fabrication and precision machining to exact standards and quality consistentency. NUTEC porducts are assembled by advanced and intricate techniques by highly skilled technicians and last, but not least, a test procedure to document it was all done right.

Key Industries

  • Optical Fabrication
  • Optical Inspection
  • Precision Test and Measurement
  • Metrology
  • Optical Sensor Testing
  • Surface Finish Testing

Let NUTEC Integrate

Our engineers have years of experience intergrating our systems to suite your application. Given a set of parameter, dimensional limits, and description of how their system needs to operate, our engineers will work with you to help provide the best solution. Combining our X/Y tables, or a combination of linear and rotary stages with our servo motion controller will provide smooth motion with unparalleled results.

About Us

NUTEC Mechatronic Systems' positioning is based on perfection. Engineering and design are focused on details and balanced design, flawless fabrication and precision machining to exacting standards and consistent quality.

Nutec Components
81 Jefryn Boulevard East
Deer Park, NY 11729

Working Hours

Call us or email us for formal quotations. We can be reached during the week at these times.

  1. Monday-Friday: 7:30am to 4:00pm
  2. Weekends: Closed

Contact Us

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